The queen of Sheba came from the ends of the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon, and see, something greater than Solomon is here! (Luke 11:21)
Jesus expresses his frustration at the lack of reception his
message receives from the religious leaders of Israel. He reminds them how a pagan woman like the
Queen of Sheba travelled a long way to come and listen to King Solomon,
renowned for his wisdom. Jesus is there, in the midst of his people; no
one needs to travel a long way to come and hear him, the living wisdom of God.
How sad that they do not take advantage of his nearness.
I notice around me good Catholics who are enthusiastic about
people who claim to have the truth about COVID (which, according to them, is only
a set-up), about vaccines (which they believe should not be taken), about government
efforts (who they imagine want to violate our freedoms) and even about the Pope
(whom they claim to be a fake). I wish they put as much energy into listening
to the teaching of Jesus, handed on by the Church and lived out by the saints
as they do on these conspiracy theorists.
Abba, Father, free me from my fears and anxieties. Help me
to trust the men and women who have a responsibility to seek the common good
during this pandemic. Change my heart so that, in all things, I seek first to
deepen my relationship with your son, Jesus, the source of all true wisdom.
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