Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Lockdown and Gospel - Day 10, January 19 (Tuedsay of the second week of Ordinary time)


(How does today’s Gospel speak to me during this lockdown? Allow me to share with you my humble reflection.)

Then he said to them, “The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the sabbath.” (Mark 2,27)

Another scandal! This time, the disciples are gleaning crops as they walk in order to feed themselves. However, it’s the Sabbath (Saturday) and harvesting is not permitted on this day of rest. For the Pharisees, strict observance of the Sabbath is part of Jewish identity. Jesus responds with a pithy sentence. He reminds them that the law of God is not an absolute, but that it exists for the good of humankind.

Oh, the law! It’s a topic of intense discussion these days. Some argue that the government does not have the right to restrict their freedom by enacting regulations such as curfews. Others point out that "the law is the law" and must be obeyed at all costs. Occasionally, I find myself ambivalent. Maybe I need to remind myself that what matters ultimately is the good of others; and that during a pandemic, the common good consists primarily in the protection of life.

Abba, Father, make me understand that the world does not revolve around me. May my obedience to government regulations become a sign of my love for all my brothers and sisters. What Jesus says about the Sabbath can also apply to me: I was made for others, and not others for me. Teach me the law of love!


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